When will battery storage be available for solar power systems?

The future is here. Lithium battery storage is now available, but the costs are still quite high. Improvement in the technology will occur rapidly in 2016/2017 as well as substantial reductions in cost as production volumes increase.

I currently have a 60c or 20c per kW/h GROSS system that will cease paying me that amount for the electricity I export in December 2016. What should I do?

Firstly, congratulations on being one of the early adopters of solar in Australia. In NSW the GROSS feed-in scheme will cease in December 2016 and you will then only be paid 5-8 cents per kW/h for solar energy you do not use and export back to the grid. A good system would have paid for itself multiple times by now and it is time to start planning to store your solar energy and possibly expand your system. We can offer a variety of solutions to suit your household’s electricity consumption profile.

Are solar rebates still available?

Yes, absolutely. The small technology scheme (STC) has only had minor changes over the past 5 years and the upfront rebate is still very substantial. In most cases covering up to 40% of your investment.

I already have a solar system installed, am I eligible for any further rebates if I install a second solar system on my roof?

Yes, the solar rebates are eligible to any solar installation whether you have previously claimed a solar rebate or not.

Do I have to claim the rebate from the government or is it claimed by the solar company?

With most solar companies the solar rebate is claimed by the solar company and the price quoted is after the rebate is deducted from the total cost.

When are the rebates going to end?

The government has not indicated when the solar rebates are likely to end. In the past, rebates were stopped either at a day’s notice or more often with immediate effect thereby not allowing customers to take advantage before the rebate ends or is changed.

When do you think the rebates will end?

Can’t provide a definite answer as we are not advised by the government. Generally the feeling is that once the battery storage systems become economically feasible the rebates will be removed. The smart moves is to take advantage of the rebate while it is still around to reduce the risk of missing out.

When will Tesla batteries come to Australia?

The Tesla battery is here, but despite all the media hype, it may not be the most suitable product for your needs. Rumour is their Version 2 battery is not far away.

Will installing batteries mean I will not get a power bill?

No, you will still get a power bill as the electricity companies charge many fees and charges that are not related to your consumption. A battery storage system will, however give you the most control of your electricity bill.

Can I get off the grid all-together?

In the near future the answer is probably yes, but we advise that the grid remains connected as a backup.

Are there any other manufacturers of batteries coming to Australia in 2016?

Yes. LG, not only produce some of the best solar modules on the market, but are also heavily into development of their solar storage batteries. Enphase are also a big player with their new 240V (AC coupled) modular lithium storage systems. Samsung and Fronius also have their own battery offerings.

What will be their prices and are they compatible with my solar system?

Prices for battery systems generally start from approximately $2,500.00 and is dependent on the amount of storage you require. We can tailor a solution to suit your existing solar system.

How many batteries will I need?

The best way to assess what size you require is to have us install a monitored power meter. This meter will allow both you and us to analyse your daily consumption including usage from your solar system, usage from the power grid and unused solar power you export to the grid. This information will help us accurately determine what size and type of battery system best suits your needs.

Can I install enough batteries to run 100% of my house?

Yes, you can, but it is dependent on the size of your solar system and your usage patterns.

Some companies are offering to pre-book Tesla batteries. Are you offering this? 

No, because we believe the technology is moving so fast it will not be prudent to commit to a particular technology just yet.

How does a solar system with battery storage work?

Presently solar power in Australia has not storage ability. Under the existing Net metering system, you use your solar power generated first provides power to the house. The remainder is exported back to the grid for a nominal return of between 5 and 8 cents/kWhr. In the evenings when the sun goes down your solar system stops generating power and you purchase power back from the grid. With battery storage you will be able to store your excess generated power and use your power in the evenings. Once your batteries reach their critical low levels your system will automatically connect your house back to the grid.

What do I think is likely to happen in 2016?

Households finally start to take the power of choice from the big power companies with solar storage. As we were quoted recently in the Wall Street Journal the shift from grid to solar storage will be as big as the transition was from the landline to the mobile phone.